Lutheran Foundation of the Southwest makes it possible for faithful people to share their legacy dollars with ministries that they believe in, giving to ELCA ministries and other nonprofit organizations. And what a difference those gifts make! Providing one-on-one, personalized services to each client, we help bridge the gap between generations of the Church to ensure that Christ’s ministry continues.
Through education, consulting and planning, The Foundation will work side by side with you to plan for your future. As the sun sets on one generation and rises on the next, our faithful stewardship of God’s gifts through that transition will make a difference in the lives of those to come.
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10
marks the year The Foundation got its start
million dollars currently under management
sponsoring organizations we support with gifts
unique services helping you change the world
Texas Lutheran University
Lutheran Sunset Ministries
Cross Trails Ministry
Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod
Southwestern Texas Synod
Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod

ELCA Foundation

Texas Lutheran University


Lutheran Sunset Ministries

Cross Trails Ministry

Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod

Southwestern Texas Synod

Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod
THE EBERTS After visiting with various Lutheran leaders in the community, the Eberts decided to make a legacy gift through a revocable living trust with the Lutheran Foundation of the Southwest. There would be provisions in the trust to take care of them during their lifetimes and upon the passing of the survivor, their ranch would be given to the camping program in the Southwestern Texas Synod to insure that for generations to come there would be a ranch camp to foster the outdoor experience with all its beauty and spirituality.
THE TROTTERS After attending a seminar, they knew they would need someone to look after them in their later years. They decided to become clients of LFSW.
This time, when Voleta passed away, Ben was not alone. He had the support and encouragement of the Foundation to help him through those next dark days. They were not the only ones there for him. Ben was living at the Lutheran Sunset Ministries in Clifton, Texas, where he was happy and content until it was time to join Voleta and John.
BILL DERRICK “As a retired pastor, it is a good feeling of confidence to know that stewardship has been an expression of my faith in life; and will be even unto the end of my time on earth. My wife and I tried to live out our values. I am fulfilled to know my life has served the Lord in many ways. It has been positive experience to set up an end-of-life stewardship plan through the Lutheran Foundation of the Southwest. To bless ministry in the name of the Lord is an eternal joy!”
THE OESTREICHS This faithful Lutheran couple served congregations all across Texas while they raised their family. Even in retirement, the Oestreichs continued to bless others with ministry. Clarence provided services in neighboring churches and communities and Helen was often at his side throughout the many activities and worship services as he served during interim and pulpit supply throughout central Texas. After Clarence’s death Helen remained faithful to her church routines and acknowledged the work of others with a smile on her face and a kind word for all.
NANCY AND GREGG SIMPSON “Writing a check that helps a ministry makes me smile–I wish I could do it more often,” she says quietly. Her commitment to others and the ministry of Christ love is so strong that Nancy has created a legacy goal with “End-of-Life Stewardship.” She and her husband Gregg, made plans through the Lutheran Foundation of the Southwest to benefit ministry when they are no longer demonstrating love during their lifetime. They will leave funds to numerous charities upon their death.
JOE AND GERALDINE ROMAINE MILES Gerry was always grateful for Joe’s daughter Kay and son-in-law, John Majewski in the blessing of a second family. She was also grateful for her years at Advent Lutheran Church. She returned her appreciation to the church by leaving a bequest in her Last Will and Testament for the church. The donation became the seed funding for the Advance Advent Endowment Fund. The rest of us can help it grow the future.
BARBARA BROWN When it comes to the issues of planning for the end-of-life, Barbara has no hesitation thinking through how and where she would like her assets to benefit others. Barbara says, “I’ve done my best to make deliberate decisions that will make the most of the assets the Lord has given me for my family and ministry benefits. Even my daughter is proud of my decision to include charity in my long-range planning.” Having decision making control over her assets for the Lord’s work appeals to her “eternal” outlook and perspective. Thank you Barbara, for considering ministry as a beneficiary of your assets! For many reasons, Barbara Brown of Pearland is a good and faithful servant of Christ with her time, talent and other resources.
CALEB SHAW When it comes to Legacy Giving, we often think older Christians, probably senior citizens who have raised children, perhaps put them through school, and set them on a pathway to success. Often these older Christians see a vision of God’s economy and have been successful enough to know if there are funds left over after other responsibilities are met, distribution of Will and Estate Plans will leave a percentage or specific amount to Lutheran ministry.